The following is a list of RD27 internal notes and other documents. Paper copies can be obtained on request from NICK.ELLIS@CERN.CH (Nick Ellis, PPE Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland). Some documents are available as Postscript files or as Macintosh Word 5 documents stored in HQX (Binhex) format.
1. N. Ellis, Level-1 and level-2 triggering at LHC. (Talk given and CHEP92). NOTE01 (Word 5 HQX file) 2. J. Garvey et al., A calorimeter-based level-1 em cluster trigger for LHC. (Talk given at CHEP92) NOTE02 (Word 5 HQX file) 3. BG.Taylor, Multichannel optical fibre distribution system for LHC detector timing and control signals. (Talk given at CHEP92 and at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 1992). 4. N. Ellis, Level-1 and level-2 triggering at LHC. (Talk given at 3rd Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP). 5. V. Perera et al., First level calorimeter trigger system for the LHC. (Talk given at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 1992). 6. C. Bohm et al., A bit-serial first-level calorimeter trigger for an LHC detector. 7. N. Ellis, Ideas for a local/global level-2 trigger system. NOTE07 (Word 5 HQX file) 8. V. Perera, A first-level calorimeter trigger processor for the LHC. NOTE08 (Word 5 HQX file) 9. JP. Vanuxem and H. Wendler, Central trigger processor for the first-level trigger for LHC experiments. 10. V. Perera, Crate readout controler (ROC). NOTE10 (Word 5 HQX file) 11. I. Brawn, Preliminary investigations into bunch-crossing identification for the level-1 trigger. 12. RE. Carney, The level-1 bit-parallel em trigger processor - CERN beam tests November 1992. 13. A. Watson, Physics simulation studies of the first-level electron/photon trigger. NOTE13 (Word 5 HQX file) 14. E. Petrolo and S. Veneziano, Use of GaAs circuits for first-level muon triggering at LHC. (IEEE transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.40, N.4, August 1993) 15. A. Nisati, Accidental trigger rates in the ATLAS muon system. 16. S. Navas Concha, Data analysis for first-level trigger in ATLAS calorimeters. 17. R. Staley et al., Implementation of a first-level calorimeter trigger for use at the LHC at CERN. (Talk given at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 1993). 18. BG. Taylor, Optical timing, trigger and control distribution for LHC detectors. (Talk given at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 1993). 19. A. Gillman, First results from a prototype level-1 calorimeter trigger system for LHC. (Talk given at 4th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP). 20. N. Ellis, Forward calorimetry and the level-1 trigger. NOTE20 21. E. Eisenhandler, Level-1 triggers for LHC experiments. (Lectures given at the CERN school of computing, l'Aquila, Italy, September 1993). 22. I.P. Brawn et al., Beam tests of a prototype level-1 calorimeter trigger for LHC experiments. (RAL-94-020 accepted for publication in NIM). 23. U. Dickow, An Analysis of the RD27 Level-1 Prototype Calorimeter Trigger Processor Test Beam Data. NOTE23 24. N. Ellis, Distributed processing for fast triggering of DAQ. (Talk given at Entretiens Science et Defense 1994). 25. P. Hanke, M. Keller, ROI Building, Results from a first demonstrator. 26. C. Bohm et al., A bit-serial first-level calorimeter trigger for detectors at LHC. (Talk given at 4th Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in HEP). 27. C. Bohm et al., A bit-serial first-level calorimeter trigger for detectors at LHC. (Talk given at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 1993). 28. S. Dasu et al., The level-1 calorimeter trigger for the CMS detector. (Talk given at CHEP94). NOTE28 (postscript) 29. A. Watson et al., A first-level calorimeter trigger for LHC experiments - Design studies and beam tests of a first prototype trigger system. (Talk given at CHEP94). NOTE29 (Word 5 HQX file) 30. J. Dowdell et al.,A coincidence array demonstrator ASIC for the RD27 muon trigger. NOTE30 (PS file) 31. I.P. Brawn et al., Beam tests of a single-channel bunch-crossing identification module for the level-1 trigger - November 1993. NOTE31 (Word 5 HQX file) NOTE31 (PS file) 32. S. Dasu et al., The level-1 calorimeter trigger for the CMS detector at LHC. 33. V. Perera et al., A first-level calorimeter trigger for the ATLAS experiment. NOTE33 (PS file). 34. I.P. Brawn et al., The level-1 calorimeter trigger system for ATLAS. NOTE34 (Word CompactPro HQX file) NOTE34 (Postscript file) 35. I.P. Brawn et al., A demonstrator programme for the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger. NOTE34 (Word CompactPro HQX file) NOTE34 (Postscript file) 36. G. Appelquist et al., An R&D programme for alternative technologies for the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger. NOTE34 (Word CompactPro HQX file) NOTE34 (Postscript file) 37. J. Lackey et al., CMS calorimeter level-1 trigger conceptual design. NOTE37 part 1 (PS file) NOTE37 part 2 (PS file) NOTE37 part 3 (PS file) 38. S. Dasu et al., CMS level-1 calorimeter trigger performace studies. NOTE38 (PS file) 39. C. Jacobs et al., First level central trigger processor for LHC experiments. NOTE39 (PS file) 40. I.P. Brawn et al., Bunch crossing identification in a level-1 calorimeter trigger for LHC. 41. P. Hanke et al., A flash ADC for trigger tests with ATLAS calorimetry. NOTE41 (PS file). NOTE41 (HQX file). 42. O. Buyanov, Reconfiguarable hardware approach to build the central trigger processor. NOTE42 (PS file). 43. O. Buyanov, Central trigger processor. NOTE43 (PS file). NOTE43 appendix (PS file). 44. I. Brawn et al., Bunch-crossing identification for the ATLAS first-level calorimeter trigger. NOTE44 (PS file). 45. W.H. Smith et al., CMS calorimeter trigger circuits. NOTE45 part 1 (PS file). NOTE45 part 2 (PS file). 46. C. Bohm et al., Design study and demonstrator programme for a compact solution to the first-level calorimeter trigger of the ATLAS detector. 47. S. Veneziano et al., Trigger logic of the ATLAS first-level muon trigger. NOTE47 (PS file). 48. J. Dowdell et al., The RD27 muon trigger co-incidence array demonstrator ASIC. NOTE48 (PS file). 49. V. Perera et al., A first-level calorimeter trigger for the ATLAS experiment. NOTE49 (PS file). 50. S. Veneziano et al., A test of the ATLAS first level muon trigger logic. NOTE50 (PS file). Other Documents 1. Status Report 1993. (Word 5 HQX file) Status Report 1993. (Postscript file) 2. Status Report 1994. (Word 5 HQX file) Status Report 1994. (CompactPro HQX file) Status Report 1994. (Postscript file) 3. Status Report 1995 part 1. (ps file) Status Report 1995 part 2. (ps file) Status Report 1995. (Word 5 HQX file)